Thursday 25 April 2013

Books and beyond: feel a bit spoiled for choice?

We have so many amazing works by authors and academics across the millions of pages that comprise our bookshop, it's easy to forget how much more we do.

Walking across the shop floor just now, we made a mental list of our new non-book product ranges...

- Lovely leather satchels
- Really retro gifts (harmonicas, yoyos and plenty more)
- Stacks of art supplies
- Board games including Manchester Monopoly (our road is blue)
- Monster gadget holders
- Pencil cases and pencil cases and pencil cases
- Nooks - either pronunciation is correct
- Fully wub-proof headphones! (Skrillex made us write that one.)
- Brand new bike accessories
- Actual charts of actual super powers. Special discount given if you are Iron Man.
- Boozy maps including the Manchester pub crawl
- Vintage knick-knack tins
- Boom Balls! (Yes, that's a real thing.)
- Gaga Mars? Amen! (that's an anagram of 'anagram games')
- Giant Microbe soft toys!
- Free balloons (sorry, too late, we've just given those away)

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